An Open Letter to Twitter Bullies

If there is one thing I am passionate about, it’s bullying. Not to bore you with details about myself, but I was physically and emotionally bullied in junior high and high school. And you know what? It nearly destroyed me to the point where I no longer was happy. It was a hard 4 years, but 3 years later, I am happier than ever. So when I see people get bullied online or in-person, it pains me. I know what thoughts are going through your head. But guess what? That person does not own you. They don’t matter. Never let anyone take away your self-respect.

Image result for fandom war once upon a time gifs

Lately, all I have seen on Twitter are people bullying one another over ships. Let this sink in: they are fictional. Who are you to reprimand someone for not liking your ship? Who are you to call them ‘idiots’, a ‘bi***’, ‘worthless’? As someone who has been on the receiving end of some nasty tweets for shipping my ship (Captain Swan), I can honestly say it sucks. Then I realize, it’s not worth feeling upset over. Those people have no idea who you are and they have nothing else to do but try to tear you down. So while I used to get upset over trolls dragging me on social media, I asked myself why do I even care? And I realized that I don’t care.

Like I said, they’re just bullies.

I will never judge you for shipping or not shipping a ship. You hate CaptainSwan? Okay. (Although, gasp, how does one hate CaptainSwan?! lol) You hate Swan Queen. Okay. You ship CaptainSwan? Yay, I probably love you. You ship Swan Queen. Okay. You do you and ship away.

The big part of fandom is to be with people who get you. But ships are constantly at each other’s throats. SHIP WHO YOU WANT AND LEAVE EVERYONE ALONE. I know we all can’t get along because let’s face it, that’s reality. However, stop dragging people who don’t drag you. It’s that easy. I am a very opinionated person, but I manage to keep my thoughts to myself. I see some awful tweets about my ship, but I’m not about to bully you into saying that you’re wrong.

You just don’t know what the person you’re dragging is going through. In fact, there have been times I contemplated deleting, but I have made so many great friends on Twitter. I decided not to let the bullies get to me. And you shouldn’t either! (PS…I love heart you my CaptainSwan and other shipper mutuals)

If you every need someone to talk to, reach out to me! My Twitter handle is @onceuponamads or my personal is @MeMadeline2. Just know that you shouldn’t feel bad about shipping a ship. If it makes you happy, I’m happy for you! I’ve met some nice people who ship SwanQueen or RumBelle and it’s great. I don’t ship those ships, but I respect that they do and they respect I ship CaptainSwan. It’s all about how you choose to conduct yourself. Fangirl or fanboy your little hearts out!

Okay, I’ll get off my soap box. Mostly because I need to walk across campus to get pizza. Yes, I do NEED pizza. Pizza is life.
